Park City Basketball Club
Supporting youth basketball through competitive teams and local high school partnerships.
Welcome to Park City Basketball Club
Supporting youth basketball through competitive teams and community engagement. Join us in fostering talent and teamwork in our local high school and AAU basketball programs.
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AAU Tournament Travel Teams
What: Competitive AAU Tournament Teams. The number of teams and age groups will depend on the number of players who try out for each age group. 8 local tournaments and 2 out of state tournaments are possible depending on player interest and availability.
Who: Girls incoming grade 6 to 11 and
Boys incoming 6-11.
When: March 10 to Aug. 9. Practices 2x per week for 1.5 hrs with the team. Tournaments April through August 9 on the weekends, dates below. Position and skill workouts are optional and available with the coaches for an extra cost.
Coaches: Head Coach Terry Tyson, Assistant & Position/Skills coaches Jonny Bates and Jena Schmidt
$250 per month for 5 months March 11 to Aug. 9;
$150 per tournament.
· $250 registration fee
· Players are responsible for their own travel arrangements and costs to tournaments.
Scholarships: please email
Interested in trying out?: please email
Questions: Email
AAU Travel Team Tournament Options:
Battlegrounds: Spring Fling-Farmington, April 24-26
Mountain West Spring Tip Off, Lehi, UT May 1-3
Idaho Prep Basketball, Pocatello, ID, May 16-17
AZ Summer Jam-Phoenix, AZ, May 31-June 1
Big Mountain Jam, Sandy, June 12-14 or Battlegrounds Summer Slam, Farmington, 12-14
Rocky Mountain Showcase-Sandy UT, June 19-21
Great Salt Lake Classic, Sandy UT, June 26-28
Battlegrounds, Farmington, July 10-12
4-5 Different Events-Las Vegas, July 24-27
Battlegrounds Summer Sizzler-Farmington, Aug 7-9
Pipeline Teams
What: Teams will participate in a local basketball league in April and May and two local tournaments during the summer. The number of teams and age groups will depend on the number of players who try out for each age group. Games will take place in Salt Lake County on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Saturday. Practices will take place in Park City 2 times per week.
Who: Girls, Incoming 6, 7, 8, 9, 10th grade.
Boys, Incoming 6, 7, and 8th grade
When: March 10 to July 12.
· League Games: April -May
· Tournaments:
June- Rocky Mountain Showcase-Sandy UT, June 19-21
July- Battlegrounds, Farmington, July 10-12
Cost: $250 Registration fee (includes uniform and tournament fees); $250 per month.
Questions: Email
Coaches: Jena Schmidt (girls)
Terry Tyson, Jonny Bates, Calcy Tang (Boys)
Scholarships: please email
Practice Teams
What: Practice teams may be formed if there are at least six players per age group, but not enough players or interest for a team to compete in games. Tournaments can be added if there is interest and player availability.
Who: Girls: incoming High School.
Boys: Incoming 6th through 8th and
Boys: High School
When: March 10-Aug. 9
Cost: $200 per month; $250 registration fee
Scholarships: please email